Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Services

SKYDRONE UAVS in Industry - Canada, US and Brazil
Perform demanding inspection operations with SKYDRONE UAV SERVICES;
a Transport Canada and ICAO compliant UAV flight operation and UAV training facility.
Train paths
Power lines
Right of ways
Wind turbines
Tower structures
Bridge structures
Photovoltaic arrays
Substations facilities
Hydroelectric facilities
Forestry and mining operations
Oil and gas pipelines and facilities
Construction and maintenance operations
Power Transmission and Distribution, Gas and Oil Processing, Communication Towers, Structures, Buildings, and Rail systems can be inspected with SKYDRONE UAV SERVICES. Specially designed mission equipment and unmanned vehicles ensure safe inspections of hazardous areas. All images, positioning and flight data can be logged and analyzed in real-time and offsite.

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Press Releases
Skydrone UAVS Granted UAV training and testing Special Flight Operations Certificate (SFOC) at Grand Forks BC Airport and Standing SFOC for commercial UAV flights in British Columbia.
Grand Forks BC airport only certified airport in BC and 2nd in Canada Approved by Transport Canada for UAV training and testing.
Grand Forks BC, May 26, 2015:
Skydrone Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Services (Skydrone UAVS) with offices in Canada, USA and Brazil has been granted Special Flight Operation Certification (SFOC) in British Columbia for commercial operation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and specifically for training and testing at the Grand Forks BC airport.
This makes Grand Forks BC the only certified airport in BC and 1 of 2 known to be certified in Canada.
Skydrone UAVS is a provider of Industrial inspection with UAV with a proprietary inspection package which provides thermal and high definition photography in one flight and internet viewing of the live flight.
Skydrone UAVS also provides UAV training at the Grand Forks BC airport focusing on specialized flight in industrial settings.
SNC Lavalin wrote the following:
"Monday, May 27, 2015
To whom it may concern,
Ernest Ziesman of Skydrone UAVS has provided consulting and pilot services to SNC Lavalin for UAV inspection flights on Altalink 500 KV and 240 KV Power Transmission Lines and substation’s for inspection of structures and aerial marker cones.
UAV flight services were provided of approximately 15 hours flight time in a non-energized environment and an additional 20 hours in an energized environment, providing high definition photographs.
This resulted in substantial reductions in cost over traditional helicopter coupled with an increase in safety.
Steve Sharron
SNC Lavalin Senior Technical Advisor." [Click here to view actual document]
November – 2014 SKYDRONE UAVS’ CTO Ernie Ziesman, working with S&C Lavalin’s T&D division has just completed 180 mission flights for the inspection of transmission lines. S&C Lavalin recently became aware of a manufacture defect in the power line marker cones used on a portion of a recently constructed transmission line. In the companies attempt to immediately identify and correct any potential problems they looked to use UAV technology. Mr. Ziesman identified a small quad copter equipped with an 13 MP video recorder for the inspection of the individual cones. The inspection was successfully completed in the same time frame as a conventional helicopter however the inspection was accomplished at a dramatically reduce cost and no risk to life.
SKYDRONE UAVS is currently working with Transport Canada to have Grand Forks Municipal Airport [ZGF] designated as Canada first official UAV testing airport.
SKYDRONE Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Services aerial inspection service utilizes the most advanced technology, ICAO/FAA licensed pilots, industry specialists, and certified operators to detect weak points before they impact your operation network. Located in British Columbia we are a Transport Canada and ICAO licensed UAV flight operation and UAV training facility. Our aerial inspection service delivers unmatched results using drone technology together with thermographic imagery, ultra violet measurements, and visual imaging. Our industry experience and use of innovative technology provides you with cost effective, close-in high definition imagery, which is the focus of our company. We use the latest generation of thermographic imagers, infrared camera technology, corona detection cameras and high definition still and video equipment from market leaders. Our inspections services provide you with a comprehensive report, which includes multiple measurements, high-resolution imagery and/or videos along with geo location to identify potential failure points. With our services, your company can reduce your inspection costs, improve efficiency, reduce maintenance costs and potentially eliminate failures when using of our innovative inspection solutions.
Commercial Rated Pilots
Industry Trained Observers
St John's First Aid
Advanced Radio License
Altalink Level 3 Certified Substation
Leadership in Safety Excellence
High Voltage Limits of Approach
Transport Canada Compliant
ICAO Certified Facility
ICAO/FAA Licensed Pilots
ICAO/FAA Avionics Facility
TC/ICAO UAV Testing Airport
ICAO/FAA Licensed Mechanics